The thing that blows my mind about healing is the reactions from those who despised and doubted me. Whether it's fake friends, family members, or past authority figures, their judgments never fazed me. Deep in my soul, I always knew I'd make my childhood dreams a reality. I've faced rejection, disrespect, stereotypes, and plain old bullying just because of my appearance, origin, and choice to embrace positivity. People always judged me by my cover, only to be shocked by the real me, far from their expectations, good or bad.
Once, I cared about why they treated me so poorly, but then I realized something. Trying to change their biased opinions based on my tattoos is as futile as convincing a narcissistic racist that people of color are amazing—utter waste of time and energy. I learned to drown out the haters and naysayers, finding their remarks downright laughable. Instead, I focused on my goals and showered myself with love, leaving behind those who secretly and openly hated. I underwent a major transformation, and now they're seething with envy.
The woman they once deemed stupid, weak, and destined for failure turned out to be intelligent, strong, guided by morals and integrity, propelled me into my destiny.
The moral of my rambling is simple: Don't let anyone hinder your dreams, goals, or the vision you have for yourself. Rise above their negativity and shine brilliantly.
I know many would argue that it's easier said than done, but let me tell you, this is a battle. You have a choice: remain trapped in the comfort of negativity and toxic people, or break free and rise above. You can choose to ignore and remove the negativity, or you can confront your demons head-on and emerge victorious. Stepping into your destiny isn't easy, but it's absolutely worth it.
There's no secret roadmap to success; the truth is, we forge our own path as we journey forward. Sometimes, we look back and marvel at how far we've come, wondering how the hell we managed to get here. Stay focused and embrace positivity in whatever form it takes for you. The road may be tough, but remember, you have the power to create your own destiny.